Sometime after, I sat next to a “Dweller”, a common moniker amongst the station residents. “Dwellers” are characterized by their signature sitting and waiting, without conversing or interacting with anyone.
I had seen her often, but that day, something came over me. Maybe it was morbid curiosity or simple intrigue. I don’t know. Perhaps the daily buzz of everyone talking over each other and the train arriving and leaving finally got to me, and I sat next to her. Sparking up a conversation with a “Dweller” is normally moot as they just smile and stare. Others had not figured out her name but estimated that she was from the Depression Era.
She did end up talking to me. Surprised, I took a deep breath and I attentively listened to her, holding it in with anticipation. After a couple of probing questions, I found that she, Helen, was waiting for her husband. On her way to the station to meet him from a business trip, Helen was struck by one of them new Model T’s and cracked her head open. She was not ready. It wasn’t mentioned but I suspect that she never came to terms with the idea that it was really over and that her husband could move on. Another common theme with “Dwellers”.
Some more time after our conversation, her husband arrived. I was lucky enough to see her face transform from a ghostly trance and 100 mile stare to a bright sunny smile from head to toe. They embraced tightly, for a timeless moment, then held hands and walked off. My eyes filled up with glee and I couldn’t help but feel tremendous relief and happiness for them. That was the last time any of us saw her.
I don’t believe anyone deserves to wait for an eternity. Some “Dwellers” do not get the chance to end their chapter like her, they just simply vanish. That thought brings a knot to my stomach.
The Colonel sat next to me, in tears. He asserts the husband passed on and came looking for her, proving that he was always faithful. For a rugged, war-torn man, he really is a sucker for love stories. Pehaps he hopes his wife may do the same or maybe he is just happy someone else is happy.
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