Canvas When a normal person sees a canvas, they only see cloth and empty space. Their fisrst thought is “Why is this empty? Why has nobody drawn or painted anything?” Then, , they walk away upset that there was nothing there. When an artist , who has a different vision in life, not just talent, sees the canvas, he picks up a brush and paints something so that it onspires tohers. He captures his idea or vision as best he can and shares it with whoever wants to accept it. Everyone has an artist of some sort, but lacks the motivation to see whats inside or see whats right in front of them. When you have a purpose you just know what to do, and that canvas, that piece of pare, that notebook and pendil, that typewriter, that laptiop keybord, brush or microphone becomes an outlet for whatever drives your. You do not have to be an artist to epxress but you do need to see what is inside you driving your actions and what realy motivates your. You just have to let it out hoewever you can andfind out for yourself what you can really do.

` found near the typewritter, circa 2013 `

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